There are times when everyone goes out to do other cool things and leaves me and Priscilla by ourselves for dinner.
Normally, this is on a school night, and there's no real issue. We finish dinner, put away the stuff, then go into our respective corners of the house. Amusingly, this means that Priscilla watches 4 hours of television TV/goes on Facebook instead of doing her homework. I am doing the same thing, except that because I am the older, more mature "sibling", I sometimes leave for a couple of hours to "prendre une verre" with my friends.
A couple of months ago, the following conversation occurred on a Wednesday night:
Priscilla: What are you doing tonight?
Me: I'm going out. Why?
Priscilla: Uh...well...I'm gonna go out for a couple of hours too.
Me: (gives her a look) Do your parents know?
Priscilla: Ehh...Have I told you that you are my favorite person who has ever stayed with us?
Me: OK! Have a good time! Don't get killed! Byeee!!!
Well, the last part didn't exactly go like that, but I told her I was leaving and that she should make the right life choice.
I came back later that night around 1 am and saw that her bedroom door was closed, and I assumed she made it in safely.
The following day, I was talking to Priscilla (we were walking behind Madame and Monsieur, en route to the car) and I asked, "How was last night?"
Madame, with ears of a bat and the intuition of a mother who has had 5 children goes, "What did I hear? What did you do last night Priscilla? I thought you were doing your homework?"
Priscilla looks at me with deer in the headlight eyes, so I pause, then respond:
"Well, when I left last night, she was watching Gossip Girls in English, without the subtitles, and I know how hard that is for her."
And Madame goes, "Well, I wish you were doing your homework Priscilla, but at least you were being semi-productive and trying to improve your English."
If I was not Priscilla's favorite foreign student before that moment, trust me, I am now.
Anyway, where I'm going with this is that 10 minutes ago, Priscilla goes, "What are you doing tonight?"
Friday nights for Priscilla are "supposed" to be work nights, and then she is allowed to go out on Saturday nights (until 2 am! What the hell! I NEVER stayed out that late when I was in high school, and even now I'm normally in by 2! And I'm almost 21!).
My response: "Well...I came in really late last night, so probably something low-key, or I'll just stay-in..."
Her answer: "You know I think of you as a sister right...?"
Me: "I should've had you write my French essays for me this past week, in exchange for all I do for you...."
...I think when I leave the apt, she will be the person I miss the most...!!!