Monday, January 12, 2009

The Photo Uploader isn't working...sorry...

So as I was looking at the blog, I realized that the more recent photo of me in front of the Eiffel Tower looked familiar, as in, it's 5 minutes away from the apartment. Today I stopped and looked at it.

So I don’t know if we knew this mother, but this flame is directly above where Princess Diana died.

We had our first day of orientation today, it was kinda boring and overwhelming cause they just throw so much information at us and what sticks, sticks. But I’ve been meeting people and wandering around and just trying to get my surroundings.

Beijing, this is not.

Amusingly, if not surprisingly, I am having a much harder time adjusting to life here than I had in the first couple days in Beijing, Maybe it’s cause I knew the routine better over there and really expected the worse, but there are some Beijing mannerisms that I can’t shake. Like what? Oh, I don’t see the need to wait until everyone empties out of the subway car so I can use it, waiting in line is for wimps…just the Chinese mentality of entitlement.

Yesterday, Sarah and I were walking on Avenue George V, when we saw some barricades. I looked at the building it was surrounding and to my surprise, saw the lovely red symbol I have grown to love. I didn’t have to look at the sign to the side to realize where I was…for those who haven’t figure it out, it was the Chinese embassy! I’m kinda surprised as to why there is so much barricading around it, but whatever. Not totally surprising.

This post would be better if there were photos...sigh...

1 comment:

  1. You must be getting quite a few nasty looks in the metro with your Chinese attitude.
    Dr. S
