Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We can have 3 lunches, right?!

So I just came back home from seeing Ali in Brussels! I miss you already! Photo re-cap of the last couple of days:

We decided to go to Antwerp for the day.

Ali's great-great-grandsomething, chilling out in a square in Antwerp.

I introduced Ali to the joys of foie gras.

We saw the Mannekin Pis.
Ali with her fries.
Me with my fries!
Funny story: we went to Chez Leon to get mussels. As we walked in, I said to Ali "I wonder if I like mussels..."
My mussels.
Guess I do! yumyumyum

1 comment:

  1. omg...those mussels look so good...
    haha...this makes me miss our "Top Chef" watching days.
